Tuesday, January 09, 2007

koly vzhe vam tak ne terpyt'sja za teplom...

{dried clematis flowers on the gate}

{clematis gazing at its shadow. i thank bryna for helping me crop it so nicely!}

These pictures I took yesterday remind me of Oleh Lysheha's Song 252, available here for reading in English (yes, another Ukrainian poet). In the poem he doesn't talk about a clematis plant (though I do know a funny story regarding the pronounciation of said flower) -- he talks about a horseradish -- but really, the sentiment is the same, that there is such loveliness & solace & profundity in the littlest details.

"Don’t go near those skyscrapers —
From the one-thousandth floor
They might toss snowy embers on your head..
If you need warmth
It’s better to go to the snow-bound garden.
In the farthest corner you’ll find
The lonely hut of the horseradish.."

-- trans. James Bradfield w/ Oleh Lysheha

I have a strange obsession today with playing the following song on repeat in my ears: Lonely Lonely (Frisbee'd remix) by Feist on the remix album Open Season. I don't like any of the other remixes at all AT ALL -- but this one has these lovely little xylophone bits that sneak in amidst her vocal bits, & the repetitive reverberation of the drums creates a pleasant little ear-cocoon... that's really quite warm & hypnotic & I listened to it in the snow walking today & it felt really lovely... though I wish the sun would come back. I don't care if it's -40, as long as the sun is shining & making long afternoon shadows -- it's not the cold that upsets me, I am just highly dependent on light. Phototropic, yes.

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