{waxwings in a tree, at riverlot.}
i am making another little chapbook of poe-hems, accompanied by photographs & collage-bits. it is called 'waxwing cloud' & should be finished by the end of this month... one reason why i haven't been putting things here is because i am saving them for the book. they shall be introduced in a tangible paper-form instead. (in the meantime, i will try to put up pictures & essay-like fragments... i have just been lacking in time & desire to spend more hours on the computer...)
now, i am not sure how many of these wee books shall come into being. if you are reading this & would like one, let me know if you want one or two or six. for then i shall be able to make just as many as i need to & none will end up sad & superfluous.
so. i will update more on this as it materializes...
take care. happy spring! vesna pryjshla!
1 comment:
yes! i would like a poem-book! i am very excited.
so... this is my official request: i would like one for me and one for dawn and one for the women's centre zine table, and another one for good luck (so that i can give it to someone else who would like it.)
that's four in all.
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