Thursday, November 01, 2007

comfort language part two

rosehip & sagewort, on the rocks at tthe yanlin ('water flowing through the rocks'), southern tutchone country, yukon, sept. 29/07

last autumn flower, tthe yanlin, s.t. country, yukon, sept.29/07
comfort language, part two (draft)

three days before her death
my baba spoke her last;

she sang after me,
repeating the words of a
folk song i was coaxing out
of her, trying to see if she
remembered, if she still
flickered beneath the slow
breathing & candle-ash sighs –

the erosion of english
had left her old tongue
emerging on the surface, like
the colours on a pysanka
after the wax slowly melts
away –

o kazalo divchatko
moje holubiatko!

her head on the pillow,
& she was smiling.

how the softest needles
embroidered those words,
the timbre of her voice
cross-stitched across a pillowcase
into my head –

scho virno kokhaje mene!

how she is still singing
those words now, over and over
& maybe

this can finally let us all


Val said...

please may i post this on my blog? it is ...

I'm in Haiti right now, and there is a flood killing people, and some fear the culture and language are being lost, and this was what I needed to read.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

yes, of course you can post... i am glad you like it.

there is also 'comfort language part one', i think i posted it in august... i wrote it when i was up in alaska.

i did not know you were in haiti again...! i send many well-wishes & prayers & love. take care!

love, jenanne.

B. said...

allo jenanne!

i miss your blog-posts... i keep stopping by to check for new photos, etc. will you post again soon? i hope so!
