Tuesday, September 16, 2008


sea-stars, near juneau, ak, early june 2008

my boot, shiny pebbles in the bay, water-glint, near juneau, ak, also early june '08.

me on the beach, near juneau, ak, june '08

a poem, & gratuitous alaska pictures. so many i haven't posted. eeep.
(for b.)

once your heart’s been opened,
you’ll never close it again –

not once the crows have
carried you over the bay, a
smashed abalone shell
on the slick black beach-slate:

all your soft slippery creature
is splayed out all over the rocks,
sunlight illuminates the hidden insides,
the shattered shell’s nacre –

rib slivers glint & waves wash
out the bleeding crevasse
so small & shelterless
dissected & now caressed

by every last drop of water
in the world –


Arinn said...

What a beautiful poem! I love the curly sea-star.

MB said...

lovely to see a photo from the river valley I know and love.