Monday, July 23, 2007

& it came a heat wave...

{caragana pods, getting ready to spit their little black seeds in the heat}

{my dog, prancing, so happy that it's cool enough to finally go outside}

{not a particularily flattering picture, but i like the light, andsomehow it's exactly how i feel in the heat: dishevelled, sticky & glowing}

Songs for nights too warm to sleep:

Saw-Edged Grass -- Alina Simone (placelessness)
La Denigracion -- Bowerbirds (Danger at Sea)
Pickerel Lake -- Sufjan Stevens (Michigan Outtakes)


Anonymous said...

ooh! those are some good-lookin' pods!



jenanne said...

thank you! there are little black peas inside them, have you seen? my dad said that when he was little, he lived in an old house surrounded by a windbreak of caragana bushes, & these seeds were the best for use pea-shooters (which were made of dried cow parsnip stems)

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures, the colours make me smile.

-Jessica (Haak)

jenanne said...

thank you, jessica!