Saturday, November 04, 2006

sweetness of the light

{les nuages, rue st. germain... samedi après-midi}
"Amélie a soudain le sentiment d'être en harmonie avec elle-même.
Tout est parfait : la douceur de la lumière... ce petit parfum dans l'air,
la rumeur tranquille de la ville...
La vie lui paraît si simple et limpide qu'un élan d'amour...
comme un désir d'aider l'humanité la submerge tout à coup."***

(Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain)

I really need to watch Amélie again, to see if I can recognize some
of the places, now...
Also, I need to remember to think about things that are simple & sweet
& generous & good.

(Photos from Paris are slowly finding their way up to this site here. )

Strange to think one week ago only I was wandering
along le Boulevard Saint-Germain
in the late afternoon, with peppery crackers,
Boursin & a bottle of Orangina for my supper,
taking pictures of cafés & clouds & churches...
feeling like an insouciant little alien & that
strange little travelling peace...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know I do indeed read your blog, and find it very interesting... but you are much better at updating yours than I am mine, and thus I find myself needing to catch up on everything you write. Quero ver mais fotos da sua viagem a Paris! - Cait