Sunday, November 26, 2006

vichnaya pam'yat'

{баба, у садочку}

Анна (Мигович) Пехник
22 лютого 1915 - 26 листопада 2005

Вічная Пам'ять

When she passed away, I felt like I was suddenly, swiftly grown up; her generation is disappearing, my parents are aging & suddenly here I am -- there is so much I carry, so much in my hands. & I know that I must remember, because there will be a time when no one else will. I think of her now, and feel that through my actions perhaps I can resurrect her. In a year, I've learned that I need to become her kindness, to embody that generosity -- be as warm as her, warm as the gold heat of beeswax, to become what I have inherited from her so it will never disappear.

In the cemetery today we said prayers, brought food to rest under the snow-covered flowers & candles that wouldn't stay lit in the cold wind. & we take comfort in the belief that no one is really gone, they still live with(in) us. Родина -- живі, мертві, і ненароджені; a family is the living, the dead, & the not-yet-born.

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