Wednesday, November 29, 2006

tri krasyvi richi

{cat & magpie footprints}

This is a lovely blog. Such a lovely thing to make a part of one's routine -- to resolve to think of this every day -- & Clare's (the blogmaker) combination of profound & sweet & simple things.

& so discovering her blog recently has provoked me (despite my ridiculous academically-induced overwhelmed-ness, my worries about what seems like everything, my body doing strange things, etc etc) to be extra-mindful about lovely things, like these things (among many):


-- seeing Ndidi Onukwulu sing (with Madagascar Slim) at the Winspear last night -- her voice that goes on for kilometres in all directions, filling that giant-birthday-cake space... dancing so whimsically with a red dress & a tambourine that Bryna & I wanted to take her home to make dinner with us, because we knew she'd be an excellent kitchen-dancer...

-- seeing a coyote wandering along the bike-path along Saskatchewan Drive late last night, glittery streetlight eyes, confused by the houses. I wondered where it was going...

-- how I feel in the cold. I love wandering around all bundled up, like how little birds fluff out their down (feeling so fortunate for this warmth), the blue glistening of the snow, sliver of moon frosted to the sky like someone's tongue stuck on metal. How fresh the air is, how every cell feels so alert & crisp when breathing, & breath-clouds condensing hoarfrost lace on the silk threads of my scarf.


-- hearing a professor in my department lecture this afternoon. so good to remember other people can be so enamoured with ideas...I liked how he refused to talk about 'theory' & called it a toolbox, each 'theory' a caliper of a different sort, for fitting something a little different. (multiple epistemologies!) & seeing him so excited about what he was talking about -- metaphors & tropes as links to human cognition. & the metaphors he used so carefully, craftily...

-- speaking of metaphors... suddenly understanding something, because your thoughts have found their way into a metaphor that makes such perfect sense... I'm not sure how to explain it, it's such a part of the way I think about things. But just the idea that the 'poetic' is such a part of my constant process of understanding, it's not something separate...

-- feeling so warm towards people -- such warmth & goodness. total appreciation & gratitude for their kindness. that is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This too inspires me. Reminds me it is so important to record things, beyond the pages of my school notebooks. Also thinking that I want to compile to record of my doodles over the years someday- I think it would say so much- but I don't know what.

My three things today:

1) Me and Lucy walk, laughing, in the pouring rain to the coffee shop. Lucy comments " I have rivers pouring from my eyebrows!".

2) I, for the first time in perhaps 7 years, stand in frount of the hair accessory section in the drug store. I consider some barrets but can't convince myself to buy them yet. I finger my wispy hair and think perhaps in a few more weeks I won't have a choice... As it grows out my hair is more golden coloured than I had remebered.

3)I arrive home in the rain, shaky with caffine and find a bag on my door handle. On the outside is written "Manda!". Inside is homemade soup, oranges, dried tomatoes and cookies. Once again, Christine has sloved my problems with food.