Tuesday, June 12, 2007

all of the trees were in light

{st. albans kirke, kastellet, copenhagen - may 20/07}

{hyldeblomster, swan, kastellet moat, copenhagen, same evening}

{old ramparts, swan, kastellet, copenhagen, etc}

This place felt like magic; palpable & sweet & sad. Illuminated elderflowers & preening swans, & light that you could taste - you knew where all the stories came from. Behind the calm that yearning, that heart bursting, & everything he could cling to: little tin heart, fir needles, & white sea foam blossoming on the waves.

* * *

We didn't sleep too late
There was a fire in the yard
All of the trees were in light
They had no faces to show
I saw a sign in the sky
Seven swans, seven swans, seven swans
I heard a voice in my mind
"I will try, I will try, I will try
I will try, I will try, I will try"

-- Sufjan Stevens, 'Seven Swans'

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