Sunday, October 01, 2006


{leaves from the amur maple tree in quad, which is one of my favourite trees on campus}

This is just to say Happy October! Because it's October today & I'm not sure where the time went, again. Especially the weekend. Bryna & I were wondering if we are getting old, because of time getting unsettlingly speedy like this... it's a bit alarming.

Which reminds me, L'viv is having a milestone sort of birthday right about now. The city is 750 years old, as it was founded this weekend in 1256. & speaking of L'viv, Mandry is a Ukrainian band that wanders about in L'viv quite often, I hear. I enjoy them quite a bit, & you see, this little video-klip brings me cheer. & also distraction from my schoolwork. But mostly cheer. That's what I really wanted to post. So do watch & listen to 'Romansero pro nizhnu koroleva' , & appreciate the black & white old film footage & the accordion playing & the gleeful silly dancing.

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